Influencer Shortlists

A guide to using Influencer Shortlists

Laurie Bantin avatar
Written by Laurie Bantin
Updated over a week ago

What is an Influencer Shortlist?

Influencer shortlists are used to share a list of influencers with another person or people.
You can share a shortlist amongst your team or even externally to a client. Gathering feedback about the proposed influencers is easy and you can add or remove them in real time before getting final sign off.

Once the shortlist has been approved it is easy to create a campaign with invitations sent automatically to all your agreed influencers (coming soon).

How do I create one?

Step 1

Step 2

Filter or search your influencers to find the ones that are candidates for your campaign.

Use the checkboxes to select the influencers you want.

Step 3

Now hit the shortlist button and choose new shortlist.

Step 4

Give your shortlist a great name and add some notes to support the shortlist. You can decide whether to enable Shortlist Approval. Hit save to save the shortlist.

Step 5

You can see the total subscribers / followers for each channel in the Shortlist Summary, and you can add notes to support each proposed influencer. You can also remove an influencer if you've made a mistake.

Step 6

Now your shortlist is ready! Use the sharing controls to send it to a team-mate or client. You can share it to yourself to see how it looks first.

Step 7 (optional)

Adding more influencers to an existing list...
Go back to my influencers and select the influencers you want to add, then choose existing shortlist from the dropdown button.

Shortlists can be deleted in 'Shortlists', link on the main top navigation

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