Instagram Report

Basic Instagram report for Instagram-only campaigns. Includes Influencer summary cards, visualisation and engagement rates.

Matt Hebden avatar
Written by Matt Hebden
Updated over a week ago

If you are running your influencer campaign on Instagram only, then this report is perfect for you.

All the posts and storied are summarised in cards for each influencer, so you can see how many posts and stories they have published, the total likes and comments from the posts, the average engagement rate and total reach and impressions.

Reach and impressions data is only available on one of Dyzio's paid plans.

You can sort the influencer cards by the number of followers, likes, comments or views - and you can also switch the report to show the data for each individual post and story.

At the top of the report is a summary of the campaign statistics, plus graphs which highlight which influencer has delivered the most likes, comments or views.

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